
Guide for millet export from Argentina

In this complete guide you will find all the necessary information for the export of millet from Argentina and everything you need to know to successfully complete the administrative procedures.
exportacion de mijo desde argentina

    Exporting millet in Argentina can be a tedious and complex process if you do not know how to do it correctly or do not receive the right advice.

    Are you looking for a millet producer or supplier? Do you want to export this high quality poultry feed grain? In this complete guide to exporting millet from Argentina you will find all the information you need to do it effectively.

    On the other hand, if you want to know more about the different millet varieties and qualities, in this article we will discuss in detail all the information you need to know to choose the best millet for animal feed. Pay attention!

    Tipos de mijo que se comercializan en Argentina

    Photo: Alimente

    Types of millet marketed in Argentina

    The scientific name for this cereal is Panicum Miliaceum, but it is commonly known as Millet.

    Millet (common millet seed), with rounded grain and straw-yellow color. It includes the following species: Setaria spp, Pennisetum spp, Echinochloa spp, Eleusine spp (including Eleusine coracana (“coracan”), Panicum spp, Digitaria sanguinalis and Eragrostis tef.

    “Millet” is the collective name by which a number of annual herbaceous plants characterized by a small seed that are cultivated as cereals are identified. It is one of the most important cereals in Argentina that is destined for export due to its high quality and controlled cultivation.

    In Argentina, the Panicum genus is one of the most important because of the commercial opportunities it generates and the climate predisposition to carry out its successful cultivation.

    The greatest concentration of this cereal is located in the provinces of Misiones, Chaco, Formosa, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires. It is a plant that, due to its resistance to drought, has been used to a great extent in the Semi-Arid Pampas Region.

    The common use of millet in Argentina is essentially animal feed and planting to produce certain foods.

    The agro-industrial use of millet in Argentina is of considerable importance for the Argentine economy, being used as forage, poultry and pet food, etc.

    • Millet Trinidad INTA: it is one of the most used crops by the producers of this cereal. It stands out for the intense green color of its foliage and stalk, its grain also has a green hue. It is characterized by its higher forage production compared to other varieties such as the yellow grain varieties.
    • Millet Rio V: it has very sought after forage qualities, since it is very leafy. The main advantage is its palatability in the pasture state. Its lack of pubescence makes it favorable, mainly in soils with a lot of sand with the beginnings of wind erosion.
    • Yellow millet: its grain has a predominant yellow color, very used for several purposes: grazing, harvesting and export.

    Especificaciones técnicas

    Millet can reach 100 to 130 cm in height, is highly adaptable to soils with salinity problems and is a frost-sensitive crop, so it should be planted when the soil temperature is above 15º C (59º F).

    Planting time is between November and December at a density of 15 to 25 kg/ha (kilogram per hectare). The most commonly used system is sowing in rows (15 to 17.5 cm) with a fine grain seeder.

    Main millet export destinations

    Argentina is one of the main exporters of millet in the Americas. The quality of its crop and the sowing process make the final product to be demanded in large quantities by countries all over the world.

    Among the main millet commercialization destinations of Argentine agro-exporters are Brazil, Canada, European and Asian countries such as India, Austria, Switzerland, Dominican Republic and Chile, among others.

    As we have mentioned before, millet is mainly used to feed different birds and pets, so Argentine exporters take advantage of the climatic and soil conditions of the country to become one of the main exporters of this grain.

    Principales destinos de exportación del mijoFoto:

    Main exporting provinces in Argentina

    The region where Argentina’s main agro-exporters are located is the Pampean region. This region includes the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, La Pampa, Santa Fe and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires as well.

    Although these provinces are the ones that export the largest volume of millet annually, they are followed by the provinces of Misiones, Chaco, Formosa and Corrientes. The annual export of millet in Argentina has been 2 thousand tons in 2020 and two thousand tons are estimated to be exported also in 2021.

    Período de producción y cosecha 


    Production and harvesting period

    The cultivation of this seed begins in the months of November to December with a sowing density of 15 to 25 kg/ha (kilogram per hectare). Emergence is generally seen between 5 and 6 days after sowing, flowering is reached between 47-50 days after sowing and maturity is reached in its physiological structure at 67-70 days. After 70 days, the plant is ready to be harvested and the millet can be extracted from it.

    Price per ton of millet

    A ton of millet in Argentina is traded at between US$350 and US$480. The price will vary if the purchase of the total product is bagged up to 15% or more than 15% respectively, depending on commercial opportunities.

    Requirements for the export of millet from Argentina

    The following are the requirements for those who want to export as a repeat business.

    The requirements to export are the following:

    1. To be registered before the Dirección General de Aduanas (DGA) as an exporter.
    2. Be registered with RUCA as a grain exporter.
    3. To be authorized to carry out the trade at the time of requesting it at Senasa.
    4. To issue an apt and phytosanitary export certificate.
    5. Comply with all the documentation required by customs and the intervening agencies.

    Export duties and tariffs

    Export duties, also called “withholding taxes”, can be paid at the time of registration of the shipment permit with customs or guaranteed and paid at the time of entry of the foreign currency.

    Millet is subject to 5%.

    Millet is not subject to any export drawback.

    In Argentina, export costs may vary according to the product to be exported or the means by which the good is to be exported.

    Grain Operator Tax Registration

    The regime in Argentina requires producers of grains not intended for sowing, stockpilers on their own account and/or on consignment, brokers (linking supply and demand of grains) and suppliers of goods or services for grain products to register in the Grain Operators Registry as part of the procedures to export from Argentina.

    If you still have more doubts about how to trade millet from Argentina, we invite you to contact us to receive specialized advice on the subject.

    Click here to contact us, an advisor will provide you with all the necessary information so that you can export millet successfully!


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